Willow Health & Wellness
Willow Health & Wellness

Barbara Myers, ND

Barbara Myers has been involved in the natural health field for over 35 years. Barbara is a Traditional Naturopath (Doctor of Naturopathy) earning her degree from Trinity School of Natural Health. Barbara received her Certified Nutritional Counselor (CNC) and Master Herbalist (MH) from Trinity School of Natural Health.

Barbara has studied herbs for years taking classes from many teachers.  She has studied with Paul Bergner from the North American Institute of Medical herbalism (NAIMH).  She successfully completed his certificate courses for clinical herbalism.  Barbara has studied under other herbalists including Jeanne Rose, Michael Moore & the Herbal Medics Academy.  Barbara has also studied Jin Shin Jyutsu.

Barbara has started several business.  Simple Sister Creations is a company that makes specialized personal care products.  Total Wellness solutions was a holistic counseling company.  They were combined when Barbara purchased a health food store in 2012 and wellness center which closed in 2019.  Barbara now works as a health and wellness consultant.  She still sells her specialized personal care products.

Barbara is available to teach classes on herbs and essential oils.  Her most popular class has been Herbal Medicine Cabinet.  Barbara can teach on growing, harvesting and using both the herbs and the essential oils.

Barbara has taught DIY classes such as How to Make Soap, How to Make Lotion and even making beeswax candles.  You will get an education about the bees and the incredibly healthy products the bees produce and leave behind for us.

My "story" about Willow Health & Wellness

What is a traditional naturopath?


KBN from Chalfont

Several weeks ago I was was diagnosed with Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome, but several months before I received my official diagnosis I came to Barbara Myers ND, MH, CNC

JC from Fort Washington

Certainly you can purchase health foods and supplements from one of the box store providers and you may even save a penny or two. However, who are you really purchasing your products from?

Blog Posts

Pure Beeswax

Willow Health Pure Beeswax Barbara Myers, ND, MH Beeswax is completely organic and all natural. There is nothing in it that the little bees…

What is Naturopathy

Barbara Myers, ND, MH Naturopathy is based on the belief that the human body is created with the capacity to heal itself and to maintain…

Organ Timetable

  Barbara Myers, ND, MH According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (and other ancient healing traditions) vital energy flows through the twelve organs and completes…


Barbara Myers, ND, MH Ginger is a reed like plant that is native Asia where it has been used as a spice for at…
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