Muscle Response Testing

What is MRT

MRT (also called Muscle Response Testing or Applied Kinesiology) is a diagnostic technique that is useful in determining the nutritional needs of the body. MRT is currently being used by many healing disciplines: medical doctors, acupuncturists, chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, holistic dentists, veterinarians and other practitioners.

MRT was developed in l964 by Dr.George Goodheart, DC. This technique allowed muscles to be tested for clinical and diagnostic purposes, not just to determine muscle strength. MRT was derived from the ancient art of Acupuncture, which was developed by the Chinese between 3000 and 25 BC.

The practitioner gently pushes down on the patient’s extended arm which is resisting the downward pressure. There are nutritional and organ points all over the body as with Acupuncture and Acupressure points. Touching a point that is experiencing a problem will cause a short circuit in the energy or nervous field and the arm will go weak. Once the weak points are located, Applied Kinesiology can then be used to find out what the body or mind will respond to in terms of a resolution to the problem.

Another important benefit of MRT is that it can show problem areas that are developing but would not be symptomatic yet. Thus, preventive care can be taken to resolve the problem areas.

How Does it Work?

The body has within it and surrounding it an electrical network or grid. If anything impacts your electrical system that does not maintain or enhance your health and your body’s balance, your muscles, when having physical pressure applied, are unable to hold their strength. (Muscle power is directly linked to the balance of the electrical system.) In other words, if pressure is applied to an individual’s extended arm while his body’s electrical system is being adversely affected, the muscles will weaken and the arm will not be able to resist the pressure. The circuits of the electrical system are overloaded or have short-circuited, causing a weakening of that system. However, if pressure is applied while his electrical system is being positively affected, the circuits remain strong, balanced and capable of fully functioning throughout the body. The muscles will remain strong, the person will easily resist and the arm will hold its position.

This electrical/muscular relationship is a natural part of the human system. It is not mystical or magical. MRT is the established method for reading the body’s balance through the balance of the electrical system at any given moment.


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